Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Review: Hey Harry, Hey Matilda

When I first started Hey Harry, Hey Matilda by Rachel Hulin, I immediately had to put it back down. The format of the book was hard to get into, I struggled following the conversation between the two characters, Harry and Matilda, and quite honestly, they were annoying. After putting the book down for a week or so, I picked it back up again and gave it another try - while it wasn't my favorite book, it was okay.

The premise behind Hulin's debut book is an email chain between a set of twins discussing their lives and what they are going through. Matilda is a drunk photographer who can't seem to cope with much or support herself on her own. Harry, who isn't much better, is a professor seeking tenure, who creates a less than desirable situation for himself. The two of them go back and forth, detailing events such as impregnating a student, genetic testing, plagiarism, being unsatisfied in relationships, strained parental relationships, and being unfulfilled in one's career. *yawn*
Enjoying the warm weather and a book
This was a quick read and it kept my interest for the most part but it wasn't really memorable. Matilda drove me bat crazy with her constant whining and Harry was such a weeny (for lack of better words). This book wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting a quirky book detailing the email exchange between a set of twins but it wasn't quirky - it was just weird (especially the genetic testing bit). One thing that I did like about this book, however, was the random fact dropping - for example, there was a email from Harry in which he asked his sister if she knew that the days of the week were named after the planets. I did not know that! I love when I read a fiction book and learn something new! Besides this though, I'm glad that this book is finished.

Until we read again...

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