Friday, June 30, 2017

Review: Finding Gideon


If you know me, you know that I am a HUGE fan of Eric Jerome Dickey. Besides Elin Hilderbrand, Kimberla Lawson Roby, and maybe a few others, he is one of the few authors that I closely follow. When one of his books come out, I try to read it immediately. I am that kind of fan of his...

With that being said, I was not that thrilled with Finding Gideon. I'm not sure if it was because it has been years since the last installment of the series came out or what. It's not hard to forget what happened in a series and that is exactly what I did...I completely forgot everything about the Gideon series, except for the fact that Gideon was an international assassin. There were characters that I should have remembered, but I didn't. Midnight was one of those characters. I struggled remembering his backstory. While Dickey did a great job of bringing his readers up to speed as to who Midnight was and his relationship with Gideon (because it was the focus of this story's plot), he did not necessarily do that with many of the other characters.

Another reason why I think I struggled with this book was that it was just difficult to read. Dickey has a way of writing in which he throws several allusions at you at once and you spend so much time trying to keep up with them, that everything just becomes confusing. Dickey is the KING of allusions - I just wish that he paced them out a little.

The plot itself, however, was very interesting. I am trying to figure out how Eric Jerome Dickey does not have a screenplay out there, because he could write the best action film in the world. This book was nothing but sex and action! Those moments in his book were the best. They read like a movie scene - but better than any I have ever seen. The premise of Finding Gideon is that Gideon discovers that his father, Midnight, is actually alive, even though he presumed him dead after he shot him in the face decades prior. Midnight wants to exact revenge and Gideon wants to finish what he started. This feud takes the reader to Brazil, London, and Smyrna, Georgia, as the two men and their posses battle it to the end.

Although this wasn't my favorite book by Dickey, I am still a huge fan. There is so much passion in his work that it is hard not to enjoy his writing. I'll definitely re-read Finding Gideon once I re-read the previous books in the series. In the meantime, if action is your thing, do yourself a favor and pick this book up! You will definitely be entertained!

Until we read again...

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