Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Book Nook

In my dream home, I will have a library. I have never been in a home with a library and I've always wondered why more houses don't have them? I see plenty of houses with offices, game rooms, and multiple family rooms, but none with a library.

Because I live in an apartment, space is limited. I only have as many rooms as bodies necessary...but...I still want a library! So, I did the next best thing instead - I created book nooks for myself and my son. I wanted to create spaces that were conducive to reading. For my son, that meant having a comfortable chair with books readily available for him to read at anytime. It also meant creating a focal piece that he could look at that would get him excited about reading whenever he went into his room - hence the lighted book tree.

This was actually the inspiration for my son's book nook - his school library and their book tree. We need more books at home!

For me, on the other hand, it was about creating an atmosphere more than anything. I absolutely love to read outside (it's actually one of my favorite places to read).  I needed a space near a window, preferably with a nice view. I also love to have a nice drink and candle alongside so I needed some space to accomodate for those items. Voila! My book nook is nothing spectacular or even extravagant but it is perfect for me. I can easily be transported to anywhere in the world with my candles, view, drinks, and book in hand.
My nirvana - what isn't pictured is my bench that I can sit on. 

One day when I purchase my home, I will upgrade to a full blown library, but for now, our books nooks are the perfect spaces for us!

Until we read again...

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