Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Finding Time to Read

One of my favorite questions that people ask me is, "How do you find the time to read?" My first response is, "Well, I don't know, I just do." I love to read and have always loved to read, so reading and finding time to read just comes naturally for me; however, there are some things that I do to encourage myself to keep reading. Here are those things...

1. Commit to reading a specific amount of pages each night.
As a mom of a soon-to-be 5 year old, I know that time is scarce. There are 100 things to do within a short amount of time - let alone time for myself or reading. This is exactly why I try (the key word here is try) to commit to reading at least 50 pages a night. Some nights I find that I can barely get through 1 page and then there are nights when I coast through 100, but the effort is always rewarding. It's my quiet time, my time to unwind, and I have had to learn that I have to make time for myself and things that I like to do so this is one step to doing that! I've found that by reading at least 50 pages a day, I can read one 350 page book a week! That's 52 books a year! Now obviously, I am not reading one book a week - but the point is that it is possible.

2. Create a paradise conducive to reading.
Without a doubt, setting the stage for anything is key to getting stuff done. A photographer isn't going to process pictures in a light soaked room, so why not create a space where you will get excited to read and enjoy it? For example, I personally have a hard time reading in the bed. Especially at night. I get too comfortable and end up drifting off to sleep. Instead, I prefer to read while soaking in a bubble bath, with a nice candle burning, some soft jazz playing in the background, and a glass of wine readily available. I could read for hours like this. Recently, I've found another "paradise" - one of my local libraries. There is a corner in this library that has open windows with a gorgeous view of a garden outside. An absolutely beautiful and inspiring view. I don't know why I enjoy reading here but I feel a great sense of peace there, so I can easily get lost in a book.

3. Try audiobooks.
I know some people aren't going to be too happy with this suggestion but I promise you, audiobooks are awesome! As I've said in a previous post, some books are meant to be read aloud! For example, here are a few that I've absolutely adored listening to:

Working Stiff by Judy Melinek, M.D. and T.J. Mitchell
Every Day I Fight by Stuart Scott
Born with Teeth: A Memoir by Kate Mulgrew
Waiting to Be Heard: A Memoir by Amanda Knox
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
How to Be Black by Baratunde Thurston
#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick
What Really Happened: John Edwards, Our Daughter, and Me by Rielle Hunter

Those are just to name a few. I really could go on and on. I've found that for myself, the books that I really gravitate towards in the audio format are biographies and memoirs, especially when they are read by the author. It adds so much personality to the story - you can feel the emotion in the words and it helps to bring the story to life. I listen to them on the way to work, while at work, while I'm cleaning, while I'm at the grocery store, etc. Anything that I am passively doing, I will use that opportunity to listen to an audio book. I find that that allows me to read at least 20 more books a year. 

4. Always keep a book with you.
There are some things that I always have to keep on hand at all times. These things include my wallet, my phone, some yarn and a hook, and a book. You never know when you are going somewhere and have to wait for something - so I keep a book on me, just in case. My son does a lot of activities outside of school and while I enjoy watching him partake in them, most times I try to use that time for myself, so I read. In most cases, that adds an extra hour a day of reading time. If I'm going to the DMV and end up having to wait an hour just to renew my license, I have a book ready in my purse to pass the time along. 

All in all, there are things that you can do to get more reading done. Some of these may work really well for some and for others they just won't do, but anything is worth trying. I'd be interested in hearing what others do to make sure that they keep reading and/or read more - be sure to leave a comment!

Until we read again...

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