Sunday, March 26, 2017



I'm not sure how to start this little introduction other than that I love to read. Since I was a young girl, I have been an avid reader - and book reviewer. I have had many journals in which I would review the books that I would read; for no particular audience other than myself. Reading has been a lifelong passion of mines and with the age of the internet, one day, I asked myself - how cool would it be to share that passion with the world? So, here we are. :)

With this blog, I hope to encourage others to read (more). As a mother of a young child, I completely understand that there are not enough hours in the day. Most days, when I do get free time, I just want to sleep my life away. *But* I will suffer through my delirium and read at least one page before I go to bed. Some nights are better than others - in which I will be able to read 100+ pages - and then other nights I can hardly make it through one page. The point is that I try. In a society where technology is taking over the world, reading is becoming a lost art. We now have audiobooks, in which people can read to you! People don't want to read and there is no incentive to read anymore, especially when something can be read to you. Now, don't get me wrong - I am a huge fan of audiobooks; but, in **most** instances, they just do not compare to a printed book.

So, here's to all the bookworms out there. This blog is a celebration of reading. It will be a place of thought - a collaboration of different perspectives; because my perspective of a piece will be completely different from another. And that is perfectly okay - in fact, I love when that occurs. It helps me expand my way of thinking of the world - putting myself in someone else's head. I hope that others will join me along this journey and experience the same. In a world, where even cursive is becoming obsolete, my hope is that reading will conquer the new technology wave and persevere.

If you have a goodreads account, please follow me  - my username is Jazzybelle8939. If you don't have a goodreads account, go get! I'm interested in hearing what is on everyone's reading list - it may be my next best read!


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